Adewopo, NCC and Dream Killers

Many have the impression that this President is not overly excited about the idea that Nigeria’s dream of transformation can be entrusted in the hands of its younger generation. If clues from the first term of this presidency are guide, there is enough support for this perception. It is not news that the President is more comfortable with and trusting of folks around his age bracket.

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Anambra State: The Moment of Truth

In the past two weeks, in this column, I serialized a two part commentary on the Anambra and Plateau crises and other incidental issues on the state of the Nigerian nation. My article was titled “Ngige, Dariye and the Presidency: The Morality of the Absurd” (part I-November 30, part II December 6). In this effort, I will not repeat, but would rather recommend for background reading, what I wrote then.

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